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June is Gun Violence Awareness month. But it is hard to imagine that we could live in the United States these days and not be aware of gun violence. It has moved in to schools, churches, nightclubs, and concert venues. It is so common that I am afraid we are getting used to it.

Please join me in by refusing to get used to it, and a by believing that we can work together for change. You can join an organization, or choose hit the donation button. You can choose a bill you want to work to pass or an elected official to call and write. You can register people to vote. You can wear orange during this month.

June 12 will be the 2nd anniversary of the mass murder of 49 people in Orlando Florida. I cried for days after that event, until I wrote the song "For Broken Things." I recorded the song in 2017 and my friend Emily Berkowitz has done a beautiful video with it to help stir people to take action. Here are a few options of organizations: pick one of these, or another, and post on your facebook page or twitter feed that you are doing at least one thing this month to make the world a safer place for us all. Let's work together for broken things to be made whole.

Everytown is an organization that connects with and helps fund a variety work in many communities including Mothers Demand Action and a Survivor Network. They are a good resource for information on gun violence and efforts to reduce it, and have a clear concise list of actions you can take.

Giffords PAC and Giffords Law Center have been established by Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly to work for common sense gun reform. Gabby Giffords was elected to Congress in Arizona and served from 2006-2012 until she was shot while meeting with constituents in Tuscon. Giffords PAC works on voting out politicians who refuse to make gun reform and supporting politicians who will. At Giffords Law Center, the legal experts research, write, and defend the laws, policies, and programs proven to save lives from gun violence.

March For Our Lives was created by, inspired by, and led by the students of Parkland, but has since curated student allies of all ethnicities, religions and sexualities across the country. They are taking their advocacy on the road this summer and continuing their fight to stop the senseless killing that seems to be becoming common in our country. They are also making a strong effort to help by registering voters.

Please do something--at least one thing this month to raise awareness and say: ENOUGH! Then let others know you did it by posting it on Facebook, Twitter, or sharing it with others in some way. Action can be contagious!

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